
Delivery phase II

Today I'm presenting my work of phase II. As a base I have choosen painting of Wassily Kandinsky named Gravitation. Using Autocad model from phase I, I have created textures in 3ds Max and then I have placed them on right model elements. Then I have added target camera, skylight, environment - bitmap image as a background. Then I have created animation with 30 fps and 450 frames to recieve 15 seconds of movie as a final result. To the animation I have added sound and then rendered as an .avi video. On my panel I am presenting renders, perspectives, views - exterion and interior of my museum.  There is animation with a sound added and also .avi file converted to .gif attached.   video gif link to google drive with files:  Delivery Thank you.

3ds Max lesson V

Today we have added sound to our animation. It was edited in special panel visible on the photo.

3ds Max lesson IV

On this ckass we have made MVTA letters with TEXT option, then EXTRUDING them with BEVEL. Then we have changes the material for gold. The next step was adding TARGET CAMERA and SPOT LIGHT. Then we made animation with moving letters, camera and light. Then we added environment as a background and as a resukt we have short video.

3ds Max lesson III

Today we added point of light to the lamp. Firstly it was made with fire texture and then we tried to use gizmo as a lightening point. Next we have made basic renders.

3ds Max lesson II

Today we have learned how to create materials and add them to objects' surfaces.

3ds Max lesson I

Today we created some shapes in 3ds Max to have as a final result table with walls and lamp.

Delivery phase I

Today I'm presenting my work of phase I. As a base I have choosen painting of Wassily Kandinsky named Gravitation. On this painting I have created some shapes using known commands. Here you can see the GIF that presents my step by step work. Below is my A1 panel attached. And here is the step by step representation of my work. 1. I have added some transparency for the painting to better see what is below.  2. I put walls of underground levels using lines, regions and extruding regions. 3. I have made cylinder in 3D and second, smaller cylinder inside to substract them. 4. The same with the second one. Next I have used SLICE to make corridors between black walls and cylindric walls. 5. The floor made with region and THICKEN command. 6. Copy of the floor to have ceiling.  Using small boxes I have made substraction in ceiling. 7. Then using HELIX and special section for extrusion I have created ra...