Lesson VII - Extrusions

Today's class was about extrusion options.

Here I have created cylinder with another cylinder inside and using INTERSECTION we recieve  object with empty space in the middle. 

Next, I have made some substractions of cylindric shape.

I have made two REGIONS and I have substracted them. Next I have EXTRUDEd them to have new boxex.

Here it is EDGESURF command, and THICKEN on the created surface.

Next use of THICKEN command.

I have started creating new shape using three circles. Then I have used LOFT command, and SECTION of created figure.

Another shape created using LOFT command.

I have copied previous shape (the one without extrusion, just "shell") and created two boxex to make SUBSTRACIONs.

This gave me possibilty to make another shape using those two surfaces togerther and putting them on different layers to have another colours. Then I have used SHADOW to see how it looks at the end.
